Africa Oxford Initiative (AfOx) Visiting Fellowship Program 2022/2023 | How to Apply

The AfOx Visiting Fellowship Programme is designed to provide exceptional African researchers an opportunity to build international networks and focus on a project of their choice, away from teaching and administrative duties at their home institutions. The AfOx Fellowship provides fellows with an opportunity to work on a project of their choice in collaboration with Oxford-based scholars, while benefit from the resources available at Oxford University for research, writing, and strengthening research leadership skills.

AfOx’s research themes are;

  • Healthy People.
  • Innovation for Prosperity.
  • Integrated Societies.
  • Green Futures.


  • The Fellowship is open to researchers across all academic fields. Fellows will be affiliated with the University of Oxford for 12 months, including 10 months of virtual engagement and a 2-month in-person visit to Oxford during Trinity Term.
  • To apply for a fellowship all applicants must have an Oxford-based researcher named as their collaborator on their application. This may be a researcher with whom the applicant already has established links or, alternatively, someone with whom they are interested in establishing a collaborative relationship.


  • AfOx provides fellows with a single-occupancy study bedroom, a return economy flight, a maintenance allowance for living expenses (up to £250 per week during the residence period) and a temporary University card.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the AfOx Visiting Fellowship Program 2022

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