Boston University Scholarships In USA 2024 (Funded)

The application is invited to apply for Boston University Scholarships in the United States in 2024. BU offers a wide variety of merit scholarships, some even covering full tuition for US citizens as well as international students, to recognize high-achieving students who go above and beyond.

Boston University Scholarships

Boston University Trustee Scholarship and Boston University Presidential Scholarship are Available to Study Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs. Most awards are for academic achievement, while others go to talented athletes, performers, and artists.

This is one of the best chances for an international student to study in the USA with the BU scholarship program. If you don’t have an IELTS test don’t worry you can still apply for a Boston University scholarship with the Duolingo English Test.

Boston University Scholarships 2024

  • Scholarship Country: USA
  • University: Boston University
  • Course Level: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Doctoral Degree
  • Financial Coverage: Funded

Eligibility Criteria

  • International students and US citizens can apply.
  • US citizens, permanent residents, and ineligible citizens are considered for all awards of merit and other scholarships.
  • International students are considered for Trustees and presidential scholarships only.

Fields Of Study

  • College of Arts & Sciences
  • College of Communication
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Fine Arts
  • College of General Studies
  • College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College
  • Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies
  • Questrom School of Business
  • School of Hospitality Administration
  • Wheelock College of Education & Human Development
  • Medical
  • Dentistry

Boston University Scholarship Benefits

Boston University Trustee Scholarships:

BU Trustee Scholarships is the most prestigious scholarship open to international students. There are a total of 20 Trustee scholarships to be provided in 2024. The scholarship will cover all tuition and fees.

BU Presidential Scholarships:

The BU Presidential Scholarship is open to international students. The annual scholarship is $ 25,000.

National Merit Scholarship:

Finalists in the National Merit Competition who designate BU as a first-choice college with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation before March 1 will be considered for this award.

  • Annual Value: Presidential Scholarship
  • Submitting the FAFSA and CSS Profile is recommended

How To Apply For The BU Scholarships?

All applicants must submit their applications online through the BU Online Portal.

Late applications will not be accepted. To apply for Boston Scholarships, visit the Official BU University Scholarship Website.

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