CBN Tertiary Institutions Entrepreneurship Scheme Application 2022

Calls for Central Bank of Nigeria application 2022/2023 | Eligible and Interested applicants should submit their application now before the closing date.

The Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN) Tertiary Institutions Entrepreneurship Scheme (TIES) for Nigerian graduate Entrepreneurs application form, requirements, eligibility, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply, closing date, and other opportunities links for Nigerians is published here on as well as on the official application portal/website.

Application Instruction:

  • Don’t forget that the Central Bank of Nigeria application is totally free of charge.
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
  • Subscribe to our notification list with your email to receive the Latest Opportunities Update.

Details of Central Bank of Nigeria.

The Central Bank of Nigeria, as part of its effort to boost economic growth and reduce unemployment among graduates of Nigerian Polytechnics and Universities, introduced the Tertiary Institutions Entrepreneurship Scheme. The Scheme is designed to create a paradigm shift among undergraduates and graduates from the pursuit of white-collar jobs to a culture of entrepreneurship geared towards job creation, economic growth and sustainable development.

The Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN) therefore developed the Tertiary Institutions Entrepreneurship Scheme (TIES), in partnership with the academia( Universities and Polytechnics) to unleash the potential of Nigeria graduate entrepreneurs (gradpreneurs) by providing re-orientation, training, and innovative financing model that will enhance the entrepreneurial ecosystem with transformational impact on the economy.

An initiative targeted at empowering graduates of Nigerian Polytechnics and Universities with entrepreneurial skills for Entrepreneurship Development, Economic Development and Job creation.


The broad objective of the Scheme is to enhance access to finance by undergraduates and graduates of polytechnics and universities in Nigeria with innovative entrepreneurial and technological ideas. Other specific objectives of the Scheme include:

  1. Provide an enabling environment for co-creation, mentorship and development of entrepreneurial and technological innovations for value creation in partnership with Nigerian polytechnics and universities for the purpose of economic development and job creation;
  2. Fast track ideation, creation and acceleration of a culture of innovation-driven entrepreneurship skills among graduates of polytechnics and universities in Nigeria;
  3. Promote gender balance in entrepreneurship development through capacity development and improved access to finance;
  4. Leapfrog entrepreneurial capacity of undergraduates and graduates for entrepreneurship and economic development in partnership with academia and industry practitioners; and
  5. Boost contribution of non-oil sector to the nation’s GDP.

Eligible Activities (Areas of Business)

The activities to be covered under the Scheme shall include innovative start-ups and budding businesses owned by graduates of Nigerian polytechnics and universities in the following areas:

  1. Agribusiness – production, processing, storage and logistics;
  2. Information technology – application/software development, business process outsourcing, robotics, data management;
  3. Creative industry – entertainment, artwork, publishing, culinary/event management, fashion, photography, beauty/cosmetics;
  4. Science and technology – medical innovation, robotics, ticketing

NOTE: Trading activities shall not be eligible for financing under the Scheme.

Key Performance Indicators

A comprehensive monitoring of specific benchmarks and key performance indicators (KPIs) under the Scheme shall be undertaken regularly. The KPIs (specific and relevant) shall include:

  1. Number of gradpreneur-led innovative start-ups and businesses with access to finance under the Scheme – 25,000 annually;
  2. Number of sustainable jobs created by gradpreneur-led businesses financed under the Scheme – 75,000 annually;
  3. Number of female-gradpreneurs financed as a percentage of total projects financed under the Scheme – 50 per cent per annum;
  4. Number of ecopreneurs financed as a percentage of total projects financed under the Scheme – 40 per cent per annum;
  5. Number of creative entrepreneurs financed as a percentage of total projects financed under the Scheme – 20 per cent per annum;
  6. Number of Techpreneurs financed as a percentage of total projects financed under the Scheme – 20 per cent per annum; and
  7. Number of other gradpreneurs financed as a percentage of total projects financed under the Scheme – 20 per cent per annum.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the CBN Tertiary Institutions Entrepreneurship Scheme

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