ECOWAS Job Vacancy Application Details | How To Apply

Job Vacancy Application at ECOWAS Ongoing | How to Apply Online.

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ECOWAS Job Vacancies


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Details of ECOWAS Vacancy Position & How to Apply.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is a regional group of fifteen West African countries. Founded on 28 May 1975, with the signing of the Treaty of Lagos, its mission is to promote economic integration across the region.

Applications are invited for the position below:

Job Title: Air Transport Expert (Consultant) to support the Infrastructure Department in the monitoring and implementation of the PASTACO project

Location: Abuja


  • The ECOWAS air transport sector is increasingly marginalised in the African air transport industry.
  • The main deficiencies are the lack of reliable and affordable air links between the capitals of the member states, high air fares, the collapse of the major airlines (Air Afrique, Nigeria airways, Ghana Airways…) and a level of air safety/security in line with the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP)
  • The successful development of air transport in West Africa will enable ECOWAS Member States to accelerate their socio-economic development through easier access to their territories and resources, consolidate their international and trade relations with donors and partners as well as reduce the negative effects of famine, war and epidemics through the rapid delivery of food and medicine. Indeed, aviation should be a catalyst for development and socio-economic integration in the ECOWAS region.
  • Consequently, ECOWAS Member States have mandated the Commission to assist them incoordinating, harmonising and mobilising funds for the sustainable development of their air transport sector.
  • With a view to meeting some of these challenges and ensuring the sustainable development of air transport in the region, a joint ECOWAS/CEAAC/UEMOA Letter 0001/TA/15/11/13 dated 15 November 2013 was addressed to the President of the AfDB to request financial assistance to consolidate the achievements of the Capacity Building Programme for Aviation Safety Supervision in West and Central Africa (COSCAP programme), an AfDB grant of UA 1.72 million between 2005 and 2012
  • The AfDB responded favourably by providing, in July 2015, a grant of UA 8 million to these three Regional Organizations to finance the West and Central Africa Air Transport Sector Support Project (WHATSAPP)..
  • The overall objective of the PASTA-CO project is to contribute to the improvement of civil aviation safety and security and to provide safe, efficient air navigation services in a unified airspace in order to support trade, commerce and regional socio-economic integration within the Central and West African region.
  • The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), intends to apply part of the PASTACO grant from the African Development Bank for the Recruitment of an Air Transport Expert (Consultant) to support the Infrastructure Department in the monitoring and implementation of the PASTACO project
  • The services provided under this contract are mainly related to the coordination, preparation and implementation of all activities under the PASTACO project. These activities include:
    • Support the Air Transport Division in the monitoring and implementation of all projects under the PASTACO Programme
    • Prepare project documents including concept notes, draft terms of reference, implementation and procurement schedules and all related correspondence, and support the effective implementation of all Air Transport Division activities in a timely manner and the implementation of aviation programmes, policies, projects and action plans;
    • Prepare the annual consolidated project work plans and budgets in relation to the project partners such as ICAO and BAGASOO;
    • Produce quarterly monthly reports for the implementation of the project including all activities carried out by all project partners
    • Organise coordination meetings of ECOWAS and stakeholders, validation workshops of the different reports by member states, participate in the meetings of the joint technical committees for the implementation of the project.
    • Prepare the report of the experts meeting, the draft resolution to be submitted for consideration and validation by the Ministers of transport
    • Through meetings and negotiations, develop and maintain good relations with the International Civil Aviation Organisation, BAGASOO, commissions, associations, conferences as well as with other Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and integration organisations such as the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU )
    • Prepare and negotiate memoranda of understanding between ECOWAS and its project partners such as ICAO and BAGASOO in the implementation of the PASTACO
    • Carry out any other project-related activities that may be assigned by the Commissioner for Infrastructure and the ECOWAS commission
  • The overall duration of the assignment is estimated at twelve (12) months. The mission is expected to start on 1 March 2021 and end on 28 February 2023.
  • The ECOWAS Commission invites all eligible and qualified individual Consultants to submit their applications to provide the services described above. Consultants should submit a letter of interest and their curriculum vitae, providing clear information on their experience and qualifications in relation to the assignment (CV, references of similar services demonstrating that they are qualified, description of their experience and tasks in similar assignments, etc.).
  • The consultant shall be a high level specialist in civil aviation/air transport projects, with a good knowledge of international projects. In addition, he/she must have procurement skills in accordance with the procedures of multilateral donors, in particular the AfDB, and have the following profile.


  • Must hold a Master’s Degree in Air Transport or Civil Engineering or a related discipline.


  • Minimum of ten (10) years of relevant experience and managerial skills preferably in Africa in Air transport/civil Aviation administration, Airlines company, Airport company, Air Navigation Services or similar aviation-related organization, or a regional/international organization involved in the development of air transport standards, services, programmes or policies
  • Have been involved in a similar position (technical assistance), at least 1 Consultancy contract in the implementation of regional aviation programme in one (1) regional, continental or international institutions
  • Good knowledge of preparation of investment projects, feasibility studies, and documents for the award of contracts; Good knowledge of ECOWAS rules and procedures.
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment
  • Knowledge of ICAO’s Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), Chicago Convention, Air Traffic Rights, Aircraft, Airport infrastructure, facilities and equipment, Air Navigation Services, Aviation Institutions in Africa
  • Having proven experience in implementing aviation project financed by the African Development Bank (AfDB), World Bank or European Union;
  • He / She must be a national of one of the 15 ECOWAS member States
  • Must not be over 60 years of age.
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their Expressions of interest and must be clearly marked: “Recruitment of an Air Transport Expert (Consultant) to support the Department of Infrastructure in the monitoring and implementation of the PASTACO project” and be addressed to: ;

Click here for more information Note

  • References provided by the applicant will only be taken into account if the applicant provides the necessary supporting documents.
  • The eligibility criteria, preparation of the short-list and selection procedure will be in accordance with the “Rules and Procedures for the Use of Consultants of the African Development Bank” (May 2008 edition – revised July 2012), available on the Bank’s website: The selection procedure will be based on the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method, and a shortlist of six (6) firms with the best profiles will be established after the expression of interest. Firms that are part of an international network must also submit an expression of interest.
  • Interested consultants can obtain further information at the e-mail addresses mentioned below during working hours: from 8.00 to 12.00 (local time) on working days:;
  • Expressions of interest must be submitted no later than the application closing date and must be clearly marked: “Recruitment of an Air Transport Expert (Consultant) to support the Department of Infrastructure in the monitoring and implementation of the PASTACO project” and be addressed to:;
  • The working languages are English or French. The expression of interest should be submitted in English or French.

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