IMU Abel Visiting Scholar Program Application 2021

Calls for IMU Abel Visiting Scholar Program application 2021/2022 | Eligible and Interested applicants should submit their application now before the closing date.

The IMU Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2021/2022 for Mathematicians from Developing Countries (Fully Funded & USD 5,000/Grantee) application form, requirements, eligibility, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply, closing date, and other opportunities links for Nigerians is published here on as well as on the official application portal/website.

Application Instruction:

  • Don’t forget that the IMU application is totally free of charge.
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
  • Subscribe to our notification list with your email to receive the Latest Opportunities Update.

Details of IMU.

The International Mathematical Union invites applications from mathematicians professionally based in developing countries to visit an international research collaborator for a period of one month.

In case the length of the visit exceeds one month, the candidate should provide evidence of financial support from the host institution to cover the living expenses beyond the first month.

The program is designed for post-doctoral mathematicians in the early stages of their professional careers. It is designed to offer the opportunity for a ‘research sabbatical,’ a necessary complement to teaching and other academic duties for mathematicians desiring to also sustain a viable research program.

Usually up to 3 Grants are available per YEAR.


Applicants must

1.   hold at the time of application a PhD in Mathematics,

2.   be based in a developing country at the time of application (information on “Developing Country” right below)

3.   hold a position in a university/ research institution

4.   be in the early stages of their professional careers, more precisely: the applicants  should

4. 1) not yet be of full professorial rank but have a working contract in a university/ college

4. 2) be under 35 years of age at the day of the application deadline.

The maximum age may be increased by up to three years in the case of an individual with a broken career pattern. This should be noted in the application together with the reason for the broken career pattern.

Applications from women mathematicians are strongly encouraged.


Applications must be received at least four months before the desired starting date. The selection committee will review the applications and award fellowships every four months. The result is announced on the Abel Visiting Scholar Recipients page.

The following deadlines apply:

  • April 30, 2021 for visits between September 1 and December 31, 2021
  • August 31, 2021 for visits between January 1 and April 30, 2022
  • December 31, 2021 for visits between May 1 and August 31, 2022

If your application is not complete by the deadline, it cannot be considered for the evaluation round.

Please send your application at least one week in advance for us to review.

Please note that we will request a confirmation letter from the head of the hosting department (where the activity is supposed to take place) confirming the dates of the planned activity. 

Please also check if there are any travel warnings for specific countries before you apply for CDC funding.

Each application must include:

  1. The completed Online Application Form
  2. A curriculum vitae of applicant and host, including a list of recent publications (max. 3 pages each)
  3. A research plan for the visit
  4. An official invitation from the institution of the international research partner
  5. One letter of recommendation If the letter of recommendation is not written by the international research partner (the host), the application should include a statement from the host approving the research plan.
  6. A copy of the PhD certificate
  7. A statement about the current employment status/ position in the home institution signed and stamped by your employer. The statement should include the duration of your employment. Please use the template attached.
  8. A budget estimation. Please, use the Tentative Budget Form. (for more information see ‘Financial Support’)
  9. A picture of you for our website (upload separately to the Online Application Form) (The picture will be published on our website (like this: if the applicant is chosen, so PLEASE upload a NICE picture in good quality!)
  10. In case you are planning to stay for more than one month you must attached a proof of the matching funds for your living costs from the host institution


The Abel Visiting Scholar Program is administered by the Commission for Developing Countries of the International Mathematical Union.

Your application can only be considered if all necessary documents have reached us by the deadline.

Mathematicians from Africa should also consider to apply to the IMU Simons African Fellowship Program which has the same conditions and approx. 10 Scholarships available per year. Please note that IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR the IMU-SIMONS AFRICAN Fellowship you cannot apply for the Abel Visting Scholar Program at the SAME time.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the IMU Abel Visiting Scholar Program 2021/2022

However, if you have any feelings regarding the IMUPlease kindly drop A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.


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