Standard Bank Group Bursary Fund Application

Calls for Standard Bank Group Bursary Fund application 2022/2023 | Eligible and Interested applicants should submit their application now before the closing date.

The Standard Bank Group Bursary Fund 2022 for undergraduate & graduate studies in South Africa application form, requirements, eligibility, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply, closing date, and other opportunities links for Nigerians is published here on as well as on the official application portal/website.

Application Instruction:

  • Don’t forget that the Standard Bank Group Bursary Fund application is totally free of charge.
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
  • Subscribe to our notification list with your email to receive the Latest Opportunities Update.

Details of Standard Bank Group Bursary Fund.

The Standard Bank bursary fund is designed to promote academic excellence and shape the next generation of African talent and African leaders within South Africa and the continent at large.

The Standard Bank Group bursary fund considers undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Bursary beneficiaries will be required to work for Standard Bank if in the event they receive an offer of employment by the Bank upon graduation.

Undergraduate Bursary

The Standard Bank Group Bursary Fund Undergraduate Bursary

The undergraduate bursary is specific to students that are on track to successfully complete their 1st year and require funding from their 2nd year of studies onwards. Applicants should be well-rounded with strong academic results in the fields of commerce, science, engineering, mathematics and technology.

Minimum selection criteria:

  • Applicants must have achieved an average of 65% and above in the latest examinations.
  • Applicants must be registered for full-time undergraduate studies.
  • Applicants must meet the entry requirements in the fields of commerce, science, engineering, mathematics and technology at a registered public university.
  • Applicants will be required to participate in a formal assessment process including but not limited to Psychometric evaluation and an interview.
  • Financial need is considered in applications.

Postgraduate Bursary

The Standard Bank Group Bursary Fund Postgraduate Bursary

The Standard Bank Group Bursary provides full-cost bursaries to financially deserving and academically sound students wishing to pursue postgraduate studies in Commerce, Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Technology.

Minimum selection criteria:

  • Applicants must have achieved an average of 65% and above in the latest examinations.
  • Applicants must register for full-time postgraduate studies.
  • Applicants must meet the entry requirements in the fields of commerce, science, engineering, mathematics and technology at a registered public university.
  • Applicants will be required to participate in a formal assessment process including but not limited to Psychometric evaluation and interview.
  • Financial need is considered in applications.

Bursary Details

The Standard Bank Group Bursary Fund is a full-cost bursary, covering the following study and study-related costs:

  • University fees.
  • Accommodation – in a university residence or in private accommodation. Private accommodation costs will be subject to certain limits, to be explained to successful candidates upon the provisional bursary allocation.
  • Meals – provided by the university or self-catering.
  • Books and other study materials.
  • A laptop computer.
  • A monthly stipend to cover other living costs.
  • Transport between home and campus 4 times a year at the cost of a bus ticket.
  • During the Covid-19 pandemic, data is being provided and additional travel arrangements were made for students to go home.

Selection Criteria

The Standard Bank Group Bursary Fund is specific to students that require funding for their 2nd, 3rd and final year of undergraduate studies as well as for students pursuing their postgraduate studies up to Master’s level. Applicants should be well-rounded with strong academic results in the fields of commerce, science, engineering, mathematics, and technology.

  • Applicants should have a 65% aggregate.
  • Applicants must register for full-time studies.
  • Applicants must meet the entry requirements in the fields of commerce, science, engineering, mathematics and technology at a registered public university.
  • Applicants will be required to participate in a formal assessment process including but not limited to Psychometric evaluation and an interview.
  • Financially deserving applicants will be considered.

How to apply

  • Applications must be completed on Study Trust’s online Leaply platform before 30 September to be considered for a bursary for the next year.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Standard Bank Group Bursary Fund 2022/2023

However, if you have any feelings regarding the Standard Bank Group Bursary FundPlease kindly drop A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.

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