UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme Application

Calls for UNDP GEF Small Grants application | Eligible and Interested applicants should submit their application now before the closing date.

Call for Project Concepts: UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme  (up to US$50,000) application form, requirements, eligibility, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply, closing date, and other opportunities links for Nigerians is published here on Schoolinfo.com.ng as well as on the official application portal/website.

Application Instruction:

  • Don’t forget that the UNDP GEF Small Grants application is totally free of charge.
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
  • Subscribe to our notification list with your email to receive the Latest Opportunities Update.

Details of UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme.

Applications are open for the UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme 2021. The GEF SGP implemented by the UNDP, provides financial and technical support to communities and CSOs to meet the overall objective of global environmental benefits secured through community-based initiatives and actions.

SGP funds “small grants” up to a maximum of US$50,000, in addition, a “strategic project” provides funds up to a maximum of US$150,000 to allow for scaling up and to support initiatives that cover many communities, either within in a critical landscape or seascape, or towards a thematic priority.


OP7 Projects will enable eligible national stakeholders in Jamaica to carry out the following:

  • Create greater impact and closer links between local efforts and global environmental benefits (GEBs) by supporting more extensive geographical coverage and/or thematic consolidation for policy improvement;
  • Make effective use of the built-up capacity of local NGOs, CBOs and communities for replication of successful technologies and approaches;
  • Improve the capacity of the SGP and its partners to leverage larger funds from potential partners and donors;
  • Strengthen the sustainability and replicability of SGP projects;
  • Pilot innovative market mechanisms and financial instruments (i.e. such as Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES); environmentally friendly loans; revolving funds; and/or sustainable financing for clean energy technologies);
  • Accumulate national and global experience in the development and implementation of projects of larger coverage enabling SGP to link more effectively with the MSP and FSP modalities of the GEF, as well as that of other donors and governments;
  • Strategically position civil society participation and leadership in new and innovative policies and programmes with non-GEF funding (i.e. wide implementation of community-based adaptation (CBA), ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA), community-based REDD+, sustainable energy for all (SE4ALL), strengthening direct access to funding mechanisms such as the Adaptation Fund and the Green Climate Fund).


  • Open to locally registered NGOs and CBOs for community-based initiatives in Jamaica.
  • Projects with tangible co-financing will be of priority.
  • Projects should demonstrate collaborations and partnerships with other agencies, as well as broad community participation.
  • Demonstrated ability to manage project processes.
  • Projects should be aligned to National Policies/Priorities (i.e. Vision 2030 Jamaica), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the UN Conventions (CBD, FCCC, CCD) to which Jamaica is a signatory.
  • Projects should have cross-cutting results in poverty reduction, livelihoods, capacity development and gender with special focus on women and youth involvement
  • Consideration will not be given to concepts submitted not using the template.


Concepts must be completed in the templates provided as concepts that are not completed using the GEF SGP template will not be considered.

Email project concepts in word format (no pdf) to: gefsgp.jam@undp.org.

For more information, visit UNDP.

However, if you have any feelings regarding the UNDP GEF Small GrantsPlease kindly drop A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.


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