International Centre for Theoritical Physics (ICTP) Prize Application 2020

Calls for ICTP Prize application 2020/2021 | Eligible and Interested applicants should submit their application now before the closing date.

The International Centre for Theoritical Physics (ICTP) Prize 2020 for Young Researchers from Developing Countries’ application form, requirements, eligibility, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply, closing date, and other opportunities links for Nigerians is published here on as well as on the official application portal/website.

Application Instruction:

  • Don’t forget that the ICTP Prize application is totally free of charge.
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
  • Subscribe to our notification list with your email to receive the Latest Opportunities Update.

Details of ICTP Prize.

Applications are open for the International Centre for Theoritical Physics (ICTP) Prize 2020. The prize recognizes outstanding and original contributions to physics by young researchers from developing countries.

Past winners include Ashoke Sen (1989), the Indian theoretical physicist who was awarded the 2012 Fundamental Physics Prize, and former ICTP Director Fernando Quevedo (1998).

Founded in 1964 by the late Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam, ICTP seeks to accomplish its mandate by providing scientists from developing countries with the continuing education and skills that they need to enjoy long and productive careers. ICTP has been a major force in stemming the scientific brain drain from the developing world.


The prize includes:

  • A sculpture
  • A certificate, and
  • A cash prize.


  • Anybody can nominate a candidate for the ICTP Prize.
  • Candidates must have obtained their PhD less than 12 years earlier, specifically after December 31, 2008 for the 2020 prize (or after December 31, 2007 for women with one child; after December 31, 2006 for women with two children).
  • Self nominations are acceptable.


In order for a candidate to be considered, ICTP needs the following essential information:

  • Candidate’s up-to-date curriculum vitae, including birthplace and date, nationality, education, main positions held including present placement and duties, and major honours and awards.
  • Brief description of scientific achievements and proposed citation;
  • Two letters of recommendation.

Submit your nomination, along with a signed and dated cover letter, by September 30, 2020 in one of the following ways:

  • Email: send to OR
  • Mail to ICTP Prize Director’s Office, ICTP Strada Costiera 11, I-34151 Trieste, Italy.

For more information, visit ICTP Prize.

However, if you have any feelings regarding the ICTP PrizePlease kindly drop A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.

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